Ever wondered which part of man’s body that woman think is the most attractive??
Too bad for guys who love to face the mirror for hours just to get their hair done, using tons and tons of hair gel and conditioner. Let me tell you, women DO NOT seek “pretty” guy. They seek masculine guys whom they think can protect them. So, hair is definitely not the answer.
I even have more pity for those who love to wear tight shirt or even worse, tight-sleeveless shirt just to show up their chests and biceps, but in the same time, put their stomachs in the spotlight (Those who are big and bulky).
Time for the truth.
How do I know?? Well, a survey on television once revealed that 90% of women think that ripped abs (that means six pack abs) is the most attractive part of a man’s body. In fact, more than DOUBLE of the number of women voted abs as the sexiest body part on a man compared to biceps and THREE TIMES the number of women voted abs as sexier than chests (ATTENTION TO tight shirt lovers). Seriously, no way I can come up with these statements myself.
That’s it! There is nothing more attractive to women than six pack abs. Come on be honest. Do you really think Brad Pitt will be one of the sexiest men alive of this decade if he has that “beer belly” or “fat pocket” on his stomach? Do you really think Matthew McConaughey will have a huge female fan base without his “ideal beach body”?
You and I know the answer. Let’s face it.
So, I suggest you to stop wasting your time getting your hair done or picking up the right “tight” shirt to attract ladies. Instead, use that time to work on your six pack abs. That’s the way to attract ladies. Let your abs steal the show and be the “woman-magnet” and after that, YOU WILL BE THE MAN.
That’s it for now. Here is for all of us, guys. Let us BE THE LADIES’ MAN.
AMFPT Certified Personal Trainer
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